The first considerations for the construction of an independent Protestant church existed as early as 1956. Before that, today’s Catholic church (Sankt-Laurentius-Kirche) was used as a simultaneous church.
Initially, the church building failed due to funding. It was not until 1958 that the parish council took the decision to build its own Protestant church. The question of the location delayed progress for another two years. Pastor Karl-Friedrich Bender broke ground on June 4th, 1961, and the topping-out ceremony took place on September 8th, 1961.
The four bells arrived in Kurzell on March 25, 1962 and were delivered to the church after a tour of the village. Those interested had previously traveled to Karlsruhe to watch the bells being cast.
The inauguration of the church took place on July 8th, 1962, the construction time was documented with pictures by Pastor Bender
The artist Klaus Tentsch from Beuggen made the original tile picture on the front of the church. The dark colors and the way it was executed gave rise to discussions. In 1991 the painter Egon Franzen made today’s resurrection picture above the entrance.
Pastor since 14. September 2008
Heinz Adler
77974 Meißenheim, Kürzeller Oberdorfsztaße 8
Phone: +49 (0) 7824 2232
Fax: +49 (0) 7824 660272
E-Mail: heinz-adler(at)t-online.de
Web: www.ev-kirche-kuerzell.de