Families & Seniors

Helping hands and open ears in special situations. The support in Meißenheim is diverse. We have summarized the contacts for you:

Meißenheim alliance for families and seniors

E-Mail: gemeinde(at)meissenheim.de

Erika-Zürcher-Haus Meißenheim

77974 Meißenheim, Mühlstraße 34
phone: +49 (0) 7824 66450
Fax: +49 (0) 7824 664516
E-Mail: info(at)asb-meissenheim.de
Web: www.asbsuedbaden.de

Directions by

Sozialstation Ried e.V.

77974 Meißenheim, Friedrichstraße 22
phone: +49 (0) 7824 64970
Fax: +49 (0) 7824 649720
E-Mail: info(at)sozialstation-ried.de
Web: www.sozialstation-ried.de

Autumn time – assisted living for the elderly and those in need of care People in (host) families

77652 Offenburg, Badstraße 20
phone: +49 (0) 781 8050
Fax: +49 (0) 781 8051211
E-Mail: landratsamt(at)ortenaukreis.de
Web: www.ortenauer-kindertagespflege.de