Located next to the Church of the Resurrection in Kurzell, which was inaugurated on July 8, 1962.
In 1999 the last evangelical pastor, Erwin May, moved out of the rectory built in 1904. The one in need of renovation was for sale and was sold on December 8th, 2011.
Evangelical pastor in Kürzell has existed since 1780
1780 Joh. Jak. Geyer
1786 Aug. Ferd. Hitzig
1794 Karl Fr. Fecht.
1802 Ernst Wilhelm
1805 Ernst Fr. Stieß
1816 Phil. Wachs
1826 Karl Sevin
1833 Joh. Dell
1844 Georg Braun
1856 Adolf Armbruster
1862 Jakob Kienz
1867 Fr. Phl. Ried
1909 Heimo Lemme
1915 Fr. Bühler, Vikar
1916 Albert Ehrle, Vikar
1917 Hugo Münzel
1933-1949 Theodor Wilhelm Erhardt
1950-1955 Heribert Bartsch
1955-1969 Karl Frieder Bender
1969-1971 Otto Völz
1972-1999 Erwin May
1999-2007 Georg Bauer (Pfarrer für Kürzell und Meißenheim)
seit 2008 Heinz Adler (Pfarrer für Kürzell und Meißenheim)